Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Apps 11i Components are replaced by Apps R12

Do we have mod_plsql,jserv,reports server in R12 ?

mod_plsql :

Mod_plsql is an Apache web server extension that can be used to develop web application pages using Server PL/SQL.
Unlike Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i, Release 12 does not include mod_plsql as part of its technology stack.
Modplsql component of Apache is removed in R12 .you have to see the alternate for custom developed programs which will be using this.
If you have developed mod_plsql extensions to Oracle E-Business Suite Release 11i, and are considering upgrading to Release 12, you will have to take some action to preserve that functionality.
mod_plsql is replaced by Oracle Application Framework in R12. The reasong for replacing the mod_plsql with Oracle Application Framework in R12 is that , mod_plsql does not provide solutions for a number of important problems that must be solved in a robust and secure web application.

The following components/modules were removed from Release 12

1. mod_plsql
2. Oracle Reports Server
3. Oracle Graphics Integration with Oracle Forms
4. Oracle Applications Framework pages in the AK Repository (AK mode)

JServ :

OC4J replaces the Jserv component which is there in the current release 11i of Oracle Applications. Also as a result the mod_jserv component would be replaced by the mod_oc4j component in release 12 of Oracle Applications. The mod_oc4j is used to communicate between different OC4J instances.

The default installation Release 12 of Oracle Applications creates 3 OC4J instances

– Oacore: This runs the OA Framework -based applications.
– Forms: This runs the Forms-based applications.
– OAFM: This is responsible for running the web services.

The Jserv groups which are there current in Oracle Applications Release 11i are also planned be replaced by OC4J instances.

As mentioned earlier the OC4J properties are controlled using the XML files and OC4J.properties file. These files are managed by the standard Oracle Applications Autoconfig.

The Java code deployment in Oracle E-Business suite for OC4J is done at the time of install using rapid install and maintained by ad tools like adadmin and adpatch. New custom code deployment can be done by using the Application Server Control user interface.

The OC4J implementation In Oracle Applications Release 12 includes the following directory structure.

– applications: Contains applications deployed
– applications-deployment: Contains configuration settings for the applications deployed
– config: Contains common configuration setting for the OC4J instance.

Remember there are no jserv.properties or jserv.conf or zone.properties in R12 (new techstack), Jserv is replaced by Oacore.

Finally …

- Jserv component is removed and it is replaced in R12 by OC4J(oacore)
- mod_plsql is replaced by Oracle Application Framework
- The reports server has been removed in R12 and it runs as a spawned process called rwrun which is spawned by conc manager.

Ref Note : 726711.1

Source : http://learnwithme11g.wordpress.com

1 comment:

  1. hi Anna it is very useful to me.some one asked like how to take backup in concurrent Manager and how to install a particular products like Hr,GL....
