Ans: While shutting down application generally concurrent manager won’t go
down because some or the other request may be running. We will see what are
the concurrent requests running by querying fnd_concurrent_requests,
fnd_concurrent_program_vl, v$session,v$process and v$sqltext. If that request is
only doing some select statement then we will kill those requests, otherwise we
will check what time it will take to complete by querying the previous runs of that
request and then we will decide what to do.
2. What are the problems u have faced while starting up applications?
Ans: Most of the time we will encounter problem with starting up concurrent
managers. Reasons, database listener may be down or FNDSM entries are
wrong in tnsnames.ora of 806_ORACLE_HOME.
3. How to find the locks and what is the resolution?
Ans: we can find general locks with the following query:
Select * from sys.dba_dml_locks order by session_id.
We can find the dead locks with the following query:
Select * from v$lock where lmode > 0 and id1 in (select distinct id1 from
v$lock where request > 0)
If it’s a dead lock, we need to kill that session.
4. How to kill a database session?
Ans: alter system kill session '&sid,&sno';
5. How to find adconfig is enabled for oracle operating system user/database?
Ans: If appsutil directory is there in RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME
6. Which files tell u the database health?
Ans: alert log file @RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/admin/
7. How to apply a RDBMS patch?
Ans: Using opatch
8. How to find opatch is enabled or not for u r database?
Ans: If Opatch directory exists under RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME.
9. What is the pre-req for applying a RDBMS patch?
Ans: Inventory should be set in file oraInst.loc @/var/opt/oracle or /etc
10. What is Inventory?
Ans: The oraInventory is the location for the OUI (Oracle Universal Installer)'s
bookkeeping. The inventory stores information about:
o All Oracle software products installed in all ORACLE_HOMES on a machine
o Other non-Oracle products, such as the Java Runtime Environment (JRE)
In a 11i Application system the RDBMS and iAS ORACLE Homes are registered in the oraInventory. The 806 ORACLE_HOME, which is not managed through OUI, is not.
11. What are different types of inventories?
Ans: The Global inventory (or Central inventory)
The Local inventory (or Home inventory)
12. What is Global inventory?
Ans: The Global Inventory is the part of the XML inventory that contains the high level list of all
oracle products installed on a machine. There should therefore be only one per machine. Its
location is defined by the content of oraInst.loc.
The Global Inventory records the physical location of Oracle products installed on the machine,
such as ORACLE_HOMES (RDBMS and IAS) or JRE. It does not have any information about
the detail of patches applied to each ORACLE_HOMEs.
The Global Inventory gets updated every time you install or de-install an ORACLE_HOME on the
machine, be it through OUI Installer, Rapid Install, or Rapid Clone.
Note: If you need to delete an ORACLE_HOME, you should always do it through the OUI deinstaller
in order to keep the Global Inventory synchronized.
13. What is local inventory?
Ans: There is one Local Inventory per ORACLE_HOME. It is physically located inside the
ORACLE_HOME at $ORACLE_HOME/inventory and contains the detail of the patch level for
that ORACLE_HOME.The Local Inventory gets updated whenever a patch is applied to the ORACLE_HOME, using OUI.
14. What is rapid clone?
Ans: Rapid Clone is the new cloning utility introduced in Release 11.5.8. Rapid Clone
leverages the new installation and configuration technology utilized by Rapid Install
15. How do I determine if my system is rapid clone enabled?
Ans: First, verify that your system is AutoConfig enabled. Then, verify that you have
applied the latest Rapid Clone patch.
16. What is the location of for oracle user?
Ans: RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/scripts/
17. What is the location of for applmgr user?
Ans: $COMMON_TOP/admin/scripts/
18. What is the location of for oracle user?
Ans: $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/appsutil/clone/bin
19. What is the location of for applmgr user?
Ans: $COMMON_TOP/clone/bin
20. What is form server URL?
Ans: http://hostname.domain:
21. What is jinitiator?
Ans: Oracle jinitiator is the one which provide the required jvm to run forms
interface/applet. When we access forms applet first time, oracle jinitiator will be
installed automatically.
22. What is discoverer server?
Ans: Discoverer server is reporting tools which allow no voice user to use oracle
application reports. Discoverer will come along with oracle applications when
23. What is discoverer viewer URL?
Ans: http://hostname.domain:
24. What is discoverer plus URL?
Ans: http://hostname.domain:
25. What is aoljtest and its url?
Ans: Aoljtest is a web based utility to test the availability of the different
components of oracle applications like jserv, modplsql, jsp, forms etc
URL: http://hostname.domain:
26. What is adsplicer?
Ans: Adsplicer is a utility used to register off cycle products.
27. What is license manager?
Ans: License manager(adlicmgr) utility is used to licence/unlicence , enable new
languages,enbale country specific functionality.
28. What is tnsping?
Ans: tnsping is command used to check the connectivity to the database server
node from other nodes.
Ex: tnsping
Note: Tns entry should be there in tnsnames.ora for the database we are trying
to work this command.
29. What is top command?
Ans: top is a operating system command, it will display top 10 processes which
are taking high cpu and memory.
30. How to compile a form using f60gen?
Ans: f60gen module=/TEST/testappl/au/11.5.0/forms/F/ARXTWMAI.fmb
userid=APPS/APPS outputfile=/TEST/testappl/ar/11.5.0/forms/F/ARXTWMAI.fmx module type=form
batch=yes compile all=special
31. What is APPLPTMP environment variable?
Ans: This is the temporary file location for the pl/sql temp files. If this variable was
not set then the concurrent programs may errored out.
32. What is mean by enabling maintenance mode?
Ans: Maintenance mode is the adadmin option introduced from AD.I. When
maintenance mode is enabled user may able to login to application but they only
get profile option in the front-end navigation menu.
33. Is that necessary to enable maintenance mode while applying a patch?
Ans: We can even apply a patch without enabling maintenance mode with the
following option adpatch options=hot patch
34. How to find out oracle application framework version?
Ans: 1. through aoljtest
2. cd $COMMON_TOP/html/
3. adident Header OA.jsp
35. How to find out what are the rdbms patches applied to an oracle home?
Ans: 1. opatch –lsinventory
2. $RDBMS_ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage directory contains the
directories with the rdbms patch number, which is applied to this oracle home.
36. Is that necessary to shutdown database while applying a database patch?
Ans: Yes.
37. What is the command line utility to submit a concurrent request?
38. What is the significance of utl_file_dir parameter in init.ora file?
Ans: The value of this parameter is the group of directories to which u r database
can write, means u r database packages have permission to write to flat files in
these directories.
39. How you will find out discoverer version?
Ans: cd $806_ORACLE_HOME/discwb4/lib
Strings libd* | grep 'Version:'
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